[press release from Federation of Gay Games]
Excellent venues, fiscal accountability and widespread community support cited by Federation of Gay Games
Cologne, Germany [29 September 2009] – The city of Cleveland, Ohio, USA, has been chosen by the Federation of Gay Games (FGG) to host the 2014 Gay Games.
The announcement by the FGG comes after a year-long site selection process that culminated in formal presentations by bidding cities to the FGG Membership Assembly meeting this week in Cologne, Germany, site of the 2010 Gay Games. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and Washington, D.C., USA were the other two finalists.
“Cleveland demonstrated to the Federation of Gay Games that they understood the mission of the Gay Games and our principles of „Participation, Inclusion, and Personal Best‟™,” said Kurt Dahl (Chicago) and Emy Ritt (Paris), FGG Co-Presidents. “We were highly impressed by the facilities and infrastructure, the widespread community support, their financial plan and the city‟s experience in hosting large scale sports and cultural events.”
Read the whole release (PDF)
Meanwhile, the 2010 Games are set for Cologne, July 31 - August 7. Learn more and register.
And watch below for some Mitcham inspiration.
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