How to Stay HIV-Negative in an HIV-Positive World, by Randy Boyd
That's right. The HIV-negative can have sexual relations with the HIV-positive and remain HIV-negative. Just as two people can have sexual relations and not make a baby, so too can two people have sexual relations and not make AIDS, baby.
Staying away from people who admit to being HIV positive does NOT protect you from HIV.
But Americans do not know this. Gay men in general do not know this. Instead, many gay men see HIV/AIDS as another evil in the universe and vow to avoid all those who carry evil, in this case, men who are HIV-positive. Neg guys declare themselves to be “clean” and only fuck around with others who declare themselves to be “clean,” “disease-free” and “bug-free.” Neg guys boast of their HIV-negative test dates. They've created a whole new lexicon to distinguish and separate themselves. Disease-free as of April 26, 2009. UB2
But how do you know the other person is really “clean?”
The result: millions of gay men are fucking around, not using protection, not having safe sex, not really knowing what is and isn't safe sex, all while assuming they'll be just fine as long as they only fuck around with other dudes who are “clean.”
Read the whole thing.
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