Microagressions. Do you know what I’m talking about? Those subtle jabs that chip away at our sense of self worth.
On today’s show- Dr. Brian Mustanski, assistant professor for the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago talks with us about microassaults, microinsults, and microinvalidations - all these little bits of hate spewed by others can add up to a mountain of despair or depression if you don’t deal with them.
Brian also writes the Sexual Continuum blog for Psychology Today in which he tackles LGBT health and development issues from the biology of sexual orientation, to talking to your family about sexuality to the pros and cons of the Internet in our romantic lives. You can also become a fan of Brian’s blog on Facebook.
Read more and listen as Brian shares with us some steps you can take to heal and protect yourself from these attacks and how to speak openly and honestly with those around you.
[Brian was a featured panelist on the LifeLube community forum held last July - Driving Tips for Sex on the Superhighway. Check out the podcast and photos from the evening here.]
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