It's crazy – the U.S. Census Bureau wants an accurate count of everyone in the country – but there's no question in the survey that asks if you are
lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
You read that right: LGBT people are basically invisible in the survey that is supposed to reflect the diversity of America's population – and that's a big problem.
The data collected impacts issues critical to every American – like our health care, our economic stability, and even our safety. And when LGBT people aren't counted, then we also don't count when it comes to services, resources ... you name it.
It's past time to Queer the Census! Sign the petition to demand that the census ask the question and count everyone!
Seal your census envelope with your FREE Queer the Census sticker! Census forms will arrive in the Spring, so get enough for yourself and your family members now!
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