by Daniel Reeders, via Trevorade
It's Friday night, the rain has eased, I've just got back from an enjoyable session at a sauna (that's Aussie for bathhouse) and cracked the top off a Beez Neez -- a Western Australian malt beer brewed with honey. It's been a rough week but right now, life is pretty good.
And then I notice an article about PrEP in The Daily Beast. Danger, Will Robinson, mainstream media coverage of HIV prevention! And sure enough, it's a shocker.
I'm mellowed-out enough to admit there are flashes of insight in the piece. It has all the right pieces of the puzzle, but author David Kaufman has jammed them together trying to make an altogether less optimistic picture of PrEP than their proper placement depicts.
And that's a shame, because there's enough genuine uncertainty to write a balanced piece without leaving any gay boys itching to rush out and score themselves some tenofovir.
A big part of the problem is Kaufman's deathly purple prose. AIDS, he writes, is "caught in a 30-year swirl of sex and morality" -- and he's stirring away furiously. In his article, PrEP is a "necessary evil" but "downright dangerous", "game changers", elation and alarm, and cringing PrEP proponents -- holy asslicking assonance, Batman!
HIV prevention is a big field, and there's an ongoing dialogue about PrEP -- as well as the whole complex of related issues like safe sex, versus serosorting, versus barebacking, versus social network interventions, versus combination prevention.
Read the rest.
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