Ed Negron, a former drug user, turned gangbanger, turned drug dealer, turned own best customer, turned addict, turned recovering addict (still there), turned activist, turned business manager, turned student, turned Substance Abuse Counselor, turned better and happier person, turned someone who can love and be loved (Love you Patrick), turned blogger. Check out Ed's own blog here.
Featured Every Thursday on LifeLube --- check out all of Ed's "Work-In's" here.
When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him. ~ Thomas SzaszMillions of us take ourselves and our lives so seriously that we refuse to recognize the absurdity of much of what we do. We have too much shame, too much pain. (Not that everything in life is a laughing matter.) If we laugh, it is at others not at ourselves. Have you ever seen a person who had a chip on their shoulder; or a “Debbie Downer”? They spend much of their time complaining how the world is out to get them. They are always talking about the negative things in life. They're incapable of shrugging off even the most insignificant things. They're grumpy, touchy, angry, sad and self-righteous.
Hmm! Could that be you? Let’s hope not. Although, if it is you, let’s try to change that.
Laughter is inner jogging. ~ Norman Cousins
Laughter is a way of accepting ourselves as human. To be human means we can make mistakes. It

If you can laugh at yourself, odds are you experience less tension, less worry, and better health. You have the priceless ability to put things in their proper perspective. The advantage of learning to laugh at yourself is that you don't hurt anyone in the process; and you may just brighten someone's day through some self-deprecating humor. Remember, though, this is not about putting yourself down either.
You grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself ~ Ethel Barrymore

If you can laugh at actors in a sitcom in your kind of situations, can you find the courage to laugh at yourself? If you can, you not only lessen the degree of the drama if something backfires, but you also greatly improve the chances that people will find you human, likable, and attractive.
Try it, slowly at first, in small doses, and in appropriate situations.Become comfortable with yourself. Enjoy the person you're becoming, and be brave enough to admit your personality quirks.
See how people react. Notice that they like you better when you're not trying to impress them. Don't overdo it and make yourself look like an ass, but let them know you're not a grouch, either.
One of life's greatest accomplishments is to learn to like who you see in the mirror. When you're self-assured enough to laugh at yourself, you've made real progress toward that goal.
Work-in for the week: Share with someone close to you a funny mistake you’ve made.
To read daily motivations visit my blog at thework-in.blogspot.com or to receive daily motivations via email join our Google group Back To The Basics Please .
If you are not sure how to begin your work-in or need some guidance please feel free to post a comment or email me directly at thework-in@hotmail.com, I will response as soon as I can.
(Usual disclaimer applies: The suggestions on this blog are just that “SUGGESTIONS.” My words cannot heal your pain and or addictions. Nor can I change your life. Only you can.)
“Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness." -- Shakti Gawain
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