Work up Your Inner Sweat
Brought to you by Ed Negron, a former drug user, turned gangbanger, turned drug dealer, turned own best customer, turned addict, turned recovering addict (still there), turned activist, turned business manager, turned student, turned Substance Abuse Counselor, turned better and happier person, turned someone who can love and be loved (Love you Patrick), turned blogger. Check out Ed's own blog here.
Featured Every Thursday [USUALLY] on LifeLube --- check out all of Ed's "Work-In's" here.
If you have been following this blog for the last 2 months, and hopefully you have, you have received some suggestions on how to build you inner strength through “The Work-In”. I’ve been going easy on you so far to ease you in. Now it’s time to feel the burn. In the same way that you can’t expect to see results from working out just once a week, you can’t expect to see results from “The Work-In” with little effort either. You need to feel as though you are mentally and emotionally sweating in order to really see an affect on your inner strength - and that means regularly, not just when things aren’t going right for you.
Whether it is mediation, The 12 Steps, journaling, forgiving, or letting go, getting your inner self to reach a little bit further out of your comfort zone encourages change and growth. Don’t be afraid of taking that inner journey.
Be aware of your thinking.
"There is a thought in your mind right now. The longer you hold on to it, the more you dwell upon it, the more life you give to that thought. Give it enough life, and it will become real. So make sure the thought is indeed a great one." - Ralph Marston
Most of our self-talk comes unconsciously from our subconscious. Yet every thought that exists in our subconscious got there through a conscious decision to accept that thought.
We need to become conscious of our self-talk so we can, at will, choose to replace negative beliefs with positive ones. We have the power to choose an identity we love, but we need to do the work. The process of changing our subconscious beliefs requires awareness, diligence, consistency and repetition.
"Man is made or unmade by himself. In the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself. He also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace." - James AllenAwareness is the key to all change.
Develop self trust. Uncover new dimensions of who you are. Find your power in the immediate moment.
Open to your own inner wisdom.
To read daily motivations visit my blog at or to receive daily motivations via email join our Google group Back To The Basics Please .
(Usual disclaimer applies: The suggestions on this blog are just that “SUGGESTIONS.” My words cannot heal your pain and or addictions. Nor can I change your life. Only you can.)
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