From: Scott Williams
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:43 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Prop 8 download
Importance: High
I’m in “full share mode” this morning, so here is my initial Prop 8 reaction/download to my mom and selected other members of the inner family. --Scott
From: Mom
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 7:37 AM
To: Scott
Importance: High
It is a bittersweet day. Did you see the tears on Jesse Jackson’s face last night? I love you both dearly and I am so angry / sad that you must go through this. I have been thinking of Del Martin this morning. You may not live to see the acceptance and recognition that you deserve in your lifetime – then again ---- maybe you will. In the mean time you have each other, your love and my support!!!!!!!
From: Scott Williams
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 10:26 AM
To: Mom
Importance: High
Dear Mom—
Thank you for your love and support. It means the world to us that Thelma, you, and Scott’s family have been with us along the way, and continue to stand by our sides.
Last night many of the bigots lost big in America; and others won. It took decades for a black man to win the White House, and it will take some time for this issue to resolve itself. But it will. The future and progress are on our side; we saw that in stark relief last night.
In truth, I am most sad for the oldest couples, like the couple from our church whose wedding we attended on Saturday. They were married after 43 years together. And like Phyllis and Del, who were married after 55 years together. And many other examples too numerous to name…
So about these a-holes who repealed our civil rights: many have been married and divorced multiple times--many of whom committed adultery (which last time I check WAS one of those commandments)—they somehow decided yesterday that committed gay couples were less than them. Seems they’re only concerned about respecting traditions when those traditions are to their advantage. They will have more respect in the eyes of many other Americans when they truly try to “rescue marriage” and pass constitutional amendments to outlaw divorce. Gay couples have had nothing whatsoever to do with the 50% divorce rate among straight couples.
While I do not hold grudges, I most certainly do have memories. And it will ALWAYS be remembered who stood by us, and who did not, because they were paralyzed by their own willfull ignorance, fear or bigotry.
What happens now? Well, clearly gay couples will not have the right to legal marriages in California for some time to come. In terms of the 20,000 or so couples who have been married in the last few months? Far less clear. Probably not since black people were denied certain rights in the post-Civil War South, or Japanese-Americans were thrown into internment camps, have a whole group of Americans had their rights retroactively stripped away.
We signed a $300,000 legal contract in September. What happens to that? What will the bank or other bodies require that were involved in that contract w/us have to say? Is the contract null and void? Must it be amended too? There are many other examples, and I’m no legal scholar. But expect a sort of nuclear war if they want to strip 20,000 couples of our previously signed, sealed, and delivered legal marriage…you might see your son and son-in-law on the steps of the US Supreme Court.
Thank you again. Love--Scott
And a BTW to the flock:
For all of you who were complacent and thought because Ellen has a talk show and Brokeback was nominated for many Oscars, please know that you are still not a full American citizen—in the eyes of the law. Not really sure, but we might just be the equivalent of three-fifths of the average heterosexual American. And if we want a drink of water, don’t expect that we’re going to get it served to us at the front counter. You and I are now drinking outta the water hose in the back yard.
For all of you who were so committed to being edgy, radical, and nonconformist, in that grand queer tradition, please know that you can proceed to the back of the bus. Don’t try to sit up front. Don’t speak too loudly. And please, don’t Act Up. That will not tolerated by a majority of your fellow citizens, ‘cause not enough of us thought it sufficiently important to effectively voice our concerns when it mattered.
AIDS and breast cancer, racism and homophobia, substance abuse and mental health concerns all rank at the top of the queer policy agenda. But in the eyes of the law around an issue that affects who we love and commit to as queer people, WE ARE NOT EQUAL TO HETEROSEXUALS. Your civil rights have been stripped from you.
All the other issues demand our attention, money and continued effort, but if this isn’t the civil rights issue that motivates our community, I have little hope that anything else can…
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