Monday, July 28, 2008

'Black In America' renders black gays invisible in coverage of HIV/AIDS

Pam's House Blend calls it like it is.

[LifeLube wants to know this - How in the HELL can you talk about HIV/AIDS in Black America without mentioning GAY PEOPLE? It is precisely this silence, no doubt informed by a healthy dose of homophobia and hatred, that is allowing for our gay black brothers to get infected at rates that rival the very worst in sub-Saharan Africa. Where are the people speaking up, and standing up, for black gay men???]

I posted my thoughts about the CNN's two-part, six hour Black in America special over the weekend ("CNN does Black in America 101"). It re-aired several times over the weekend. One of the major issues I had with the program, since a good deal of time was spent on the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS in the community, was the complete invisibility about what it is like to be black and gay in America. It takes a lot of effort to dance around the issue, but CNN did it.

Read all of Pam's post here.



  1. I wanted to share this statement from Phill Wilson and the Black AIDS Institute - which was sent out July 26, 2008


    CNN: Black in America

    Phill Wilson

    The Black AIDS Institute applauds CNN's groundbreaking "Black in America" series for including a focus on HIV/AIDS in the African American community. The overall series, a two-part special, is among the most ambitious efforts by a broadcast news outlet to explore Black life in America in many years. And its producers' decision to zero in on the AIDS epidemic suggests the series is not interested in platitudes but in meaningful exploration of the challenges our community faces today.

    As part of its episode exploring "Black Women & Family," which will air again Saturday, the series highlighted the epidemic's impact among Black women. Today, Black women account for 64 percent of all women living with HIV/AIDS. Behind this startling statistic stand real lives and heroic struggles to live with this virus. CNN's special bravely highlighted these lives by profiling Marvelyn Brown, the author of a new memoir entitled The Naked Truth, and will increase the pressure upon policymakers, funders and community leaders to take action to reverse this ugly trend.

    Many will feel CNN's special is, however, too ambitious for its own good. As the series' title implies, it aims to explore a strikingly broad subject - being Black in America-in a mere six hours of broadcast. As always, the effort to discuss race as a "special" issue rather than as an ongoing, foundational part of American life necessarily means oversimplifying the conversation.

    For instance, the special fails to explore HIV's devastating impact among Black gay and bisexual men. In one significant federal study, researchers found that 46 percent of the Black gay and bisexual men they tested in seven major cities were HIV positive. That infection rate makes America's Black gay and bisexual men among the hardest hit populations on the planet. That's a story that must be told if we are to do something about it.

    CNN's special also fails to examine the real energy erupting today in Black America to fight this epidemic. For years, we've talked about what Black America has done wrong-and too many of us have indeed waited far too long to mobilize. But that unfortunate history is changing every day. Black families, ministers, civil rights leaders, celebrities, elected officials and people from all walks of life are stepping up to lead the fight against AIDS in our community.

    Our community clearly has much work to do. But just as clearly, Black leaders and institutions have begun to engage in the fight. For sure, we are no where near where we need to be and many more institutions and leaders must join the battle in order to reach our goal of ending the AIDS epidemic in America, but, the era of Black America turning a blind eye to the AIDS epidemic id over.

    This mobilization is also a story that must also be told. We have roundly criticized those who failed to act. And now we must vigorously support those who are bravely making change in our neighborhoods. Their work is, after all, what will bring about the biggest AIDS story of all: an end to this epidemic.

    The Black AIDS Institute is a 501(c)3 non- profit organization with a mission to end the AIDS pandemic in Black communities. The Institute interprets public and private sector HIV policies, conducts trainings, offers technical assistance, disseminates information and provides advocacy.
    In the Black community, HIV/AIDS is the third leading cause of death amongst children, women and men aged 25-35; and the leading cause of death amongst women aged 24-34. As HIV/AIDS continues to devastate Black populations across our country, our annual gala gives us the opportunity to showcase examples of heroism from within our communities.

    For opportunities to join us and support our Fundraising or Special Events, please visit our website at or contact Jasmine Burnettat 213-353-3610 extension 116.

  2. Where is GLAAD on this. Omission of coverage of black gays perpetuates and reinforces stigma. Shame on CNN.


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