Monday, December 10, 2007

“The Trocks simply rock. Chicago is in for a treat.”

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo Bring
MEN in TUTUS to the Harris in Chicago

Photos by Sascha Vaughn





CHICAGO (December 3, 2007) – The Harris Theater for Music and Dance and The AIDS Foundation of Chicago will present Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, the all-male professional ballet company, for one night only Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the performance, which range from $40 - $75, are on sale now at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance box office located in Millennium Park at 205 E. Randolph Dr., by calling 312-334-7777 or by visiting 100 percent of the net proceeds from this event benefit the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo was founded in 1974 by a group of San Francisco ballet enthusiasts for the purpose of presenting a playful, entertaining view of classical ballet in parody form and en travesti. The Trocks, as they are affectionately known, is a company of professional male dancers performing the full range of ballet and modern dance repertoire, including classical and original works, in faithful renditions of the manners and conceits of those dance styles. The comedy is achieved by incorporating and exaggerating the foibles, accidents and underlying incongruities of serious dance. The fact that men dance all the parts – heavy bodies delicately balancing on toes as swans, romantic princesses and angst-ridden Victorian ladies – enhances rather than mocks the spirit of dance as an art form, delighting and amusing dance enthusiasts and novices alike.

“The Harris Theater is delighted to partner with The AIDS Foundation of Chicago to bring the TROCKS to Chicago,” said Michael Tiknis, President and Managing Director of the Harris Theater. “Demonstrating an inspired blend of their loving knowledge of dance and a unique comic approach, the Trocks astound audiences worldwide with the fact that men can indeed dance en pointe without falling flat on their faces! We are certain they will delight Chicagoans as they keep on Trockin’ in their distinctive, satirical style.”

“Our partnership with the Harris Theater is another example of the arts community’s deep commitment and bold leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS,” said Mark Ishaug, executive director of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. “The Trocks simply rock. Chicago is in for a treat.”

With a vast repertoire that includes choreography by Merce Cunningham, Robert La Fosse and Agnes de Mille, the Trocks perform scenes from classical ballets including Swan Lake, Giselle and Go for Barocco, a satire on Balanchine's choreography, among others. Modern works performed by the company include The Dances of Isadora, a suite of waltzes originally choreographed by Isadora Duncan; Lamentations of Jane Eyre, a parody of Martha Graham's "Death and Entrances;" and Debut at the Opera, a dance after the paintings of Degas first performed by Agnes de Mille in January, 1928. Among the talented dancers in the company are Maria Gertrudes Clubfoot, the last of the great American Indian ballerinas; Lariska Dumbchenko, whose supreme agility enabled her to become the first ballerina shot into orbit; and Sveltlana Lofatkina, otherwise known as “The Chernobyl Cherub.” Having performed in over 500 cities in 33 countries worldwide, the Trocks have graced hundreds of stages around the globe, including Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Peacock Theatre in London and the Theatre Royal in Sydney Australia.

Tickets for Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, which range from $40 - $75, are on sale now at the Harris Theater box office. For tickets or additional information, call the Harris Theater box office at 312-334-7777 or log on to

Now in its fourth year of operation, the Harris Theater continues to host the most diverse offerings of any venue in Chicago, featuring the city’s world-renowned music and dance institutions and acclaimed national and international companies. Offering more than a state-of-the-art facility, the theater is a partner to these organizations, providing subsidized rental, technical expertise and marketing support. To learn more about the season at the Harris Theater, visit or call the box office at 312-334-7777 to request a brochure.

The mission of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC) is to lead the fight against HIV/AIDS and improve the lives of people affected by the epidemic. Founded by community activists and physicians in 1985, AFC is a catalyst for local, national, and international action on HIV/AIDS. AFC collaborates with government and community partners to pursue comprehensive strategies against HIV/AIDS; fund and coordinate prevention, care, and advocacy projects; and champion effective, compassionate policy and human rights to bring an end to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

For additional information about the Harris Theater for Music and Dance, Chicago’s state-of-the-art 1,470 seat performance venue, please visit

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