[photographs featured are from a variety of matthias herrmann
collections which you can see here.]
collections which you can see here.]

dear lifelube
hope chicago is not too cold right now. i once was close to
commit suicide
in chicago... was invited as a guest speaker at the
museum of
and it was SO cold and windy and
unpleasant and the
talk was about AIDS
and so
(within a general idea
show) and it was the
first time i ever spoke
about my being
hiv+ and then i thought
it was a mistake and i
thought going into
the lake would be a good way
-matthias herrmann, december
6, 2007
Welcome To The Dark Side (excerpt)
Post-HIV-infection, there’s a continuation of theme in Herrmann’s work, he holds ground above this nagging sagging human flesh, but by revealing sickness there is an inherent slant, coupled

For those of us who like their art front-loaded and their sex objects on the used side, he’s not only plugged in, but turned on high.
by Ron Athey
"Erectus Abominas"
Published in Hotel V, 2007 - read more of Athey's take on Matthias here.
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