(CBS) An increasingly popular drug protocol that addicts and some doctors say has been

One of them, Dr. John Mendelson, who specializes in addiction medication, tells 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley that the treatment, called Prometa, has little science to back its claims in a report to be broadcast this Sunday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
Prometa is touted as new treatment for methamphetamine, cocaine and alcohol addiction. It is a combination of three drugs already approved by the FDA. Mendelson says none has been proven effective individually against addiction. Could there be something special about taking them in combination? "So far, the evidence would suggest no," says Mendelson, who tests addiction treatments for the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
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Well, this 60 Minutes story was actually a rather disappointing piece. They gave Hythiam/Prometa a lot of air time in the form of the sketchy CEO Peizer (tears and all, because he cares sooooo much) and patients who have experienced the "miracle" of the controversial, expensive and evidence-free Prometa protocol for alcohol and stimulant addiction (like meth.) We never heard from disgruntled folks who used Prometa and did not achieve marvelous results - they do exisit - and we never heard about any other types of treatment that have helped crystal meth addicts get clean and sober... Yes, they talked about the lack of any science and yes, Peizer came across like a scary freak, but still, we wanted more from 60 Minutes... Did anyone else watch?