A member of the Chicago Crystal Meth Task Force ( CCMTF ) has criticized the results of an experiment involving a controversial drug treatment program.

Last week, Hythiam, Inc.,—the company behind the PROMETA treatment program, which has been used to combat meth, alcohol and cocaine dependence—released the results of a 30-day randomized study conducted by addiction expert Dr. Harold C. Urschel, III, on meth-dependent individuals. ( The study utilized PROMETA and placebo treatments—44 individuals in each. ) Urschel said in a press release that the study showed a “statistically significant reduction of cravings over placebo in treatment-seeking, methamphetamine-dependent subjects.”

However, CCMTF’s Jim Pickett said that the results warrant a closer look. “Most people in this study, in fact, continued to use crystal meth,” Pickett said. “Nine patients in the PROMETA treatment were absolutely abstinent and six in the placebo were abstinent so, if you do the math, ... 35 people used crystal during that month [ in the PROMETA arm of the treatment ] . ... I think that’s very telling. There’s some measure of craving reduction, but what does that really mean?”

Pickett also cited a quote he attributed to researcher Gantt Galloway: “Paying for PROMETA treatments that may reduce cravings while not reducing methamphetamine use is like paying for an expensive weight-loss program that decreases hunger while not decreasing weight.”

“You could argue that it’s about the precursors to methamphetamine use,” Pickett continued. “Even getting people to stop [ using ] the drug doesn’t address why we use the drug.”

Pickett also said that the small number of subjects and what he said is Urschel’s connection to the company chip at the credence of the experiment. “I think it should be questioned when the lead investigator is a licensed provider of the PROMETA treatment in Dallas,” Pickett said, adding that he is very intrigued to hear the results of a current 120-day PROMETA study with Dr. Walter Ling—who is not affiliated with PROMETA.