It's proof positive of injustice!
The Prevention Justice Mobilization (PJM) is a series of HIV-prevention events and actions across the United States this fall. We are uniting to demand leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS and justice in prevention policies.
We are inviting you to participate in the PJM in three ways:
- Endorse our statement of principles at www.PreventionJustice.org/endorse
- Join us for events in Atlanta at the National HIV Prevention Conference,
including a spirited Unity Rally on Tuesday, December 4 from 4:30 - 6 pm - Affiliate regional events with the Prevention Justice Mobilization at www.PreventionJustice.org/affiliate
And to help with that, we've got a great new tool on event planning and promoting Prevention Justice:
The World AIDS Day and Affiliated Events ACTION KIT
This 63-page new kit from CHAMP offers:
-- Specific information about the 2007 Prevention Justice Mobilization (PJM)
-- Frames and messages to communicate your prevention justice issues
-- Suggested events to further Prevention Justice, including World AIDS Day events
-- Tools and resources for various kinds of event planning, including:
- Skills-building sections on media and communications
- Tips for successful local events
- How to make signs and banners
Check it out to see what may be useful to you. Some sections may also be useful in the future for other kinds of event planning.
Click here to get the kit, or scroll down to learn more about affiliating events with the Prevention Justice Mobilization:
What does it mean to affiliate your event with the PJM?
--> Affiliated events will be listed on the PreventionJustice.org website, featured in our blog, and may be cited in our outreach to the media.
--> Affiliated events can be any size as long as they represent or embody the principles outlined in the Prevention Justice Endorsement Statement (available at www.PreventionJustice.org/endorse)
--> To affiliate your event with the Prevention Justice Mobilization, go to: www.PreventionJustice.org/affiliate
For any questions about the PJM, contact Jesse Ehrensaft-Hawley, CHAMP National Organizer at 212-937-7955 x70 or jesseeh@champnetwork.org
Remember, PJM events do not have to be big public gatherings. For instance:
--When it comes to building the movement for Prevention Justice, a brown-bag lunch discussion that gathers staff, clients, and/or volunteers to bring a personal perspective to the PJM principles (see below) can be a powerful way to build our unity.
-- A community dialogue between representatives of two different groups -- such as one that focuses on women and the other on gay men, or between an HIV/AIDS group and a social justice organization -- is an act of Prevention Justice and we'd love to know about it for our listings.
-- A November meeting with an editorial board at your local newspaper to broaden its coverage of World AIDS Day to integrate a Prevention Justice issue could be a great way to shape public consciousness about Prevention Justice.
-- Your group may be presenting a workshop or a poster or participating on a panel at the National HIV Prevention Conference that touches on an aspect of Prevention Justice. Please affiliate it with the PJM so that more people hear about it, read about it on the blog, and/or contact you for further information.
-- And a few people standing up from different corners of the room to ask a presidential candidate if he or she would lift the Federal funding ban on syringe exchange or insist on a national AIDS strategy that would confront the drastic differences in infection and survival rates of people of color is a powerful act that can help change our nation.
-- You may already have an event or ongoing activity that is suitable for PJM affiliation. Just let us know, and we will add it to the list. And let us know if you are having a Prevention Justice event even if you do not want it listed publicly - it helps us learn more about the diversity of this movement around the country.
Thank you for all your efforts for justice in the fight against HIV/AIDS
Please fix the link in the first sentence at "Prevention Justice Mobilization (PJM)"...
ReplyDeleteIt didnt' work !
Sorry about that! Links have all been fixed. Thanks for letting us know.