via edge, boston - october 19
Gay equality advocates want the same rights and obligations as straights when it comes to marriage and partnership, but here’s something they may not have
wanted an equal share in: spousal abuse.
Yet, a new study in the Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of The New York Academy indicates that abuse of one intimate life partner by the other among gay men approaches the level of spousal battering experienced by women at the hands of heterosexual men.
As reported today by Gaywired.com, the study, which looks at a little-studied area of domestic relations, determined that among gay and bisexual men,32 percent had been abused by their significant others.
The report, titled Intimate Partner Abuse Among Gay and Bisexual Men: Risk Correlates and Health outcomes, was written by Eric Houston at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Department of Psychology.
Read the rest.
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