The Drugfucked website, from our friends at the Terrence Higgins Trust is not quite fully live yet but is going to be an extensive site that will have loads of stuff about drugs: what they are, what they do, how they affect us and our lives, our ability to stay safe and avoid getting or passing on HIV and other STIs.
There'll also be information about what you can expect if you mix drugs with your HIV meds or where to get help if you think you have a problem.
Be sure to check out their new range of new leaflets for gay men, now available to download ay Drugfucked.In them, you'll find out what each drug does, their long and short term effects, how they effect your health and sexual behaviour, the law and how they might interact with your HIV medication.
Click here to download leaflets like the ones pictured to the left and below. Other drugs covered include Steroids, Cannabis, GHB, Ketamine, Acid, Crystal Meth, Ecstacy, Cocaine and Speed. Great stuff!

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