Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Yvon Goulet - "Fag Artist" - opening in Burlington

Yvon Goulet

June 29 - Aug 4, 07

2007 Opening Reception: June 29 6PM - 9PM

Kasini House
64 North Street, Burlington, VT

Short synopsis of this very cool-looking show:

Yvon Goulet describes himself as a “Fag Artist.” In using that label, Goulet refers to both himself and his subject. Un après midi chez Sonia is a fantasia of queer and homoerotic imagery. Leather Baroque is an homage to Montreal’s vibrant S&M scene. The exhibition also shows new work in which Goulet is exploring the gay landscape or what he calls gaiscapes. The pieces are raw depictions of Quebec highways and rest areas. From portraits of men he finds online to a series of young men lounging shirtless snorting lines of coke, this work documents and celebrates an unassimilated and liberated gay life not found in mainstream culture. This exhibition is a powerful collection of work by a significant Canadian artist.
Yvon Goulet expresses the gay life of Montreal on plastic posters he collects and recycles after elections. He is a Québécois gay artist who lives and works in Montreal. Since 1986, he has shown in many countries, including Canada, France, Korea, Bulgaria, Austria, Japan, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Spain.

paints on polyester panels used in Quebec during election campaigns. He uses the text of the political posters on which he paints as integral parts of his work. Goulet calls himself an "urban folklorist". He finds his inspiration in Montreal's Gay Village and illustrates the cultural events and festivities of the gay community. He presents daily reality and features the male body. In his works, he represents the symbols, the uniforms and fantasies which are specific to the gay culture. In so doing, he takes situations and imagery reserved for the few and makes them accessible to all.

Yvon Goulet finished a baccalaureate at Université du Québec à Hull in 1988.
In 1989 he collaborated with the University of Ottawa’s Philip Fry on a land art project in Oxford-on-Rideau, Ontario. He participated in several national and international exhibitions. In 2003, he exhibited an artist's book Touche ça at Galerie 303 in the Belgo Building, Montreal; he was part of the traveling exhibition "The Gay Body" at Vieux Palais, Saint-Jérome, Quebec, (2002); he presented an artist's book Danger at IV Rencontres Internationales, Marseille, France (2001); L’art et le papier IV, Jean-Claude Bergeron Gallery, Ottawa (2000); Sen-Art, biennial, Vert-Saint-Denis, France (1998); Mostra Int. Minigravats, Barcelona, Spain (1997); Kanagawa 18th Print International, Japan (1995); Musée Adzak, Paris (1993); and Arts 1992 ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium (1992). In Canada, he is represented by Quab Gallery in Calgary and Galerie Dentaire in Montreal.

Kasini House at 64 North Street is a bustling art center that has a rotating
exhibition gallery; Artshop; artist studios and residencies; and a contemporary art gallery representing some of the finest artists in Vermont, New England, and Montreal, including Paul Bowen, Leslie Fry, PJ De Villiers, Barbara Cohen, Colinpatrick Charles, Stephen Schaub, Rachel Trooper, Yvon Goulet, and Px (c).

Visit Kasini House Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from Noon to 6PM;
Saturday from 10AM to 4PM; and by appointment.

More information can be found at www.kasinihouse.com.

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