Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Crystal Meth Uncensored: What the DEA and Gay Media Won’t Tell You

"Get a grip, folks. Let’s calm down, step back and take a broader look at what’s going on and how we’re reacting."
-Susan Kingston

Meth Expert to Speak
at Chicago Conference

by Charlsie Dewey for the Windy City Times

In conjunction with National HIV Testing Day, The AIDS Foundation of Chicago and the Center on Halsted will present “Preventing HIV: Ethics, Activism, and Promising New Strategies,” on June 27 at the Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted.

The free, day-long conference will include presentations by Dr. Monica Ruiz, acting director of public policy at amfAR; Louise Binder of the Canadian Treatment Access Council and Voices for Positive Women; and Susan Kingston, a meth expert from the King County Department of Public Health in Seattle, Wash.

Kingston’s presentation, “Crystal Meth Uncensored: What the DEA and Gay Media Won’t Tell You,” will conclude the event. Windy City Times connected with Kingston via e-mail to discuss the upcoming engagement.

Windy City Times: Why did you agree to speak at this particular event?

Susan Kingston: This is a really pivotal point in the gay men’s health movement. We can handle this meth thing right or we can default to the same old tired strategies. The meth issue gives us a fantastic opportunity to take a fresh look at how we promote health and holistic wellness. I find it so disheartening that so many gay communities are reacting to meth in exactly the same ways they criticize straight people for how they react to gay rights.

WCT: “Crystal Meth Uncensored: What the DEA and the Gay Media Won’t Tell You” is a catchy title. What won’t the gay media tell and why?

SK: It isn’t just gay media. It’s most media. It’s full of hypocrisy, inaccuracies and sensationalism. And that has led to some really poor programming and policy decisions and simply furthered the misguided pathologizing of gay men. I don’t expect journalists and gay activists to be addictions researchers, public health experts or epidemiologists, but I do expect them to consider balance and insight in how they portray the meth issue.

WCT: What are the key themes or issues your presentation will cover?

SK: My main message is this: Get a grip, folks. Let’s calm down, step back and take a broader look at what’s going on and how we’re reacting. I want to dispel some myths and stir up some creative, compassionate thinking.

WCT: How has meth use among gays and bisexuals changed over the past five years?

SK: I don’t think it has at all, really. Men are using in the same ways and for the same reasons they were before. I do think the heavy stigmatization of meth and, consequently, of the men who use it, is driving use further underground. Guys say this to me all the time. Networks are tighter, shame is deeper and it’s often harder to reach men with messages or services.

WCT: What are strategies for getting the complete picture and information to the public?

SK: I would be thrilled if I heard just one newspaper or prevention program say, “The majority of gay men don’t use drugs. The majority of gay men don’t have HIV and are pretty darn careful about sexual risk. Most gay men aren’t broken or reckless or irresponsible. They go to work, shop for groceries and value love just like everyone else.” Why? Because it’s true. I also think men who are currently using are largely ignored and discounted in this conversation. They have tremendous indigenous wisdom that is regrettably undervalued.

WCT: I know here in Chicago there is an effort beginning that will target prevention. What is your view of prevention efforts? Do you think they will be effective?

SK: In the volumes of drug prevention research out there, there is practically nothing studied and scientifically evaluated in regards to prevention among sexual minorities. This is a great chance to start filling that gap. Right now, we’re operating on hunches and best guesses based on theories. We’ve learned a lot from HIV prevention that may help make drug prevention more effective.

WCT: Are there important new strategies that should be incorporated in the fight to stop meth use in the LGBT community?

SK: Before we talk about strategies, we have to talk about mindset. The right mindset is critically important now.

WCT: What other information either about your presentation or about meth in general should readers know?

SK: If you don’t like opinionated straight women poking around in gay health territory, you might want to stay home!

To attend the FREE event, RSVP here.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had stayed home. What a waste of time. Susan Kingston was correct in identifying herself as an "opionated fag hag,", but that doesn't make all her opinions correct. She was, however, correct in her observation that alcohol is a greater threat to gay men than crystal meth. Limit alcohol influence at GLBT events and in media publications, and we might reduce business in gay bars.


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